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בשר נבלה

  • 1 נבלה

    נְבֵלָה, נְבֵי׳f. (b. h.; נָבַל) carrion, an animal that has died a natural death. Gen. R. s. 81, end להוט אחר הנ׳ greedy for carrion. Ukts. III, 3 נִבְלַת בהמה טמאה the carcass of an unclean animal; a. fr.Esp. (ritual) an animal not slaughtered according to the ritual rules (v. דְּרָסָה, הַגְרָמָה). Ḥull.II, 4 כל שנפסלה בשחיטתה נ׳ whatever has become unfit through faulty slaughtering, is called nbelah, contrad. to טְרֵפָה. Ab. Zar.67b sq. כל הראויה לגר קרויה נ׳וכ׳ that which is fit for the stranger (Deut. 14:21) is called nbelah (the eating of which is a punishable offence), whatever is unfit for the stranger (putrefied) is no longer called nbelah. Ker.21a נְבֵילָתוֹ מנלן whence do we derive the prohibition to eat it when unlawfully slaughtered? Y.Shebi.IV, 35a bot. (in Chald. dict.) בשר דנ׳ forbidden meat; Ḥull.95a בְּשַׂר נ׳, opp. בשר שחוטה. Ib. מותרות משום נ׳ they are permitted as far as nbelah is concerned, i. e. they do not make unclean (Lev. 11:39); a. v. fr.Pl. נְבֵלוֹת, נְבֵילוֹת. Ib.; Shek. VII, 3 איברים נ׳ if found cut in limbs, they are forbidden, opp. מותרות. Eduy. VIII, 1. Ib. V, 1; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > נבלה

  • 2 שחט II

    שָׁחַטII (b. h.; cmp. חטט) to cut the throat, esp. to slay an animal by cutting the throat according to ritual laws. Ḥull.I, 1 הכל שוֹחֲטִיןוכ׳ all persons are fit to do the ritual slaughtering, and their act is legal, except ; וכולן ששָׁחֲטוּוכ׳ and all those (mentioned as unfit), if they cut under the supervision of others Ib. II, 3 היה שוֹחֵט והתיזוכ׳ if he was cutting (drawing the knife across the throat, v. preced.) and cut the head off with one movement. Ib. 1 השוחט … ושניםוכ׳ if one cuts one organ (windpipe or gullet, v. סִימָן) of a bird, and two ; ib. עד שיִשְׁחוֹטוכ׳, v. וָרִיד; a. fr.Part. pass. שָׁחוּט; f. שְׁחוּטָה Nidd.15a שור ש׳ לפניך the ox lies slaughtered before thee, i. e. the evidence is before you. Ḥull.95a בְּשַׂר ש׳ meat of an animal ritually cut, opp. בשר נבלה; a. fr. Nif. נִשְׁחַט to be cut, killed according to ritual. Ib. 9a עד … במה נִשְׁחֲטָה, v. חֲזָקָה. Ib. נשחטה הרי היאוכ׳ if it has been properly slaughtered, it is presumed to be permitted until ; a. fr. Hif. הִשְׁחִיט to cause to slaughter. Ib. V, 4 בארבע … מַשְׁחִיטִין את הטבחוכ׳ at these four periods we force the butcher to slaughter (provide meat); Erub.81b.

    Jewish literature > שחט II

  • 3 שָׁחַט

    שָׁחַטII (b. h.; cmp. חטט) to cut the throat, esp. to slay an animal by cutting the throat according to ritual laws. Ḥull.I, 1 הכל שוֹחֲטִיןוכ׳ all persons are fit to do the ritual slaughtering, and their act is legal, except ; וכולן ששָׁחֲטוּוכ׳ and all those (mentioned as unfit), if they cut under the supervision of others Ib. II, 3 היה שוֹחֵט והתיזוכ׳ if he was cutting (drawing the knife across the throat, v. preced.) and cut the head off with one movement. Ib. 1 השוחט … ושניםוכ׳ if one cuts one organ (windpipe or gullet, v. סִימָן) of a bird, and two ; ib. עד שיִשְׁחוֹטוכ׳, v. וָרִיד; a. fr.Part. pass. שָׁחוּט; f. שְׁחוּטָה Nidd.15a שור ש׳ לפניך the ox lies slaughtered before thee, i. e. the evidence is before you. Ḥull.95a בְּשַׂר ש׳ meat of an animal ritually cut, opp. בשר נבלה; a. fr. Nif. נִשְׁחַט to be cut, killed according to ritual. Ib. 9a עד … במה נִשְׁחֲטָה, v. חֲזָקָה. Ib. נשחטה הרי היאוכ׳ if it has been properly slaughtered, it is presumed to be permitted until ; a. fr. Hif. הִשְׁחִיט to cause to slaughter. Ib. V, 4 בארבע … מַשְׁחִיטִין את הטבחוכ׳ at these four periods we force the butcher to slaughter (provide meat); Erub.81b.

    Jewish literature > שָׁחַט

  • 4 туша

    בשר בקר
    גוות אונייה נבלה פגר שרירים

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